Why Every Freelancer Today Wants To Be A Blogger?

Posted: November 27, 2012 in Blogger
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Blogging with Freelancing
Freelancing and Blogging are among the many ways you can earn money online. We have been sharing tips on both at this blog. But the question is, which one is better? Sure, they both have their share of pros and cons,
but the fact is, they are increasingly becoming inter-dependent. Most
freelancers are now aspiring to become bloggers at some level or
another. Why? Because it’s their need of the hour! So the greater
question is, should one start blogging as a career?
Freelance work is increasingly demanding the presence of blogging,
which is why a lot of Freelancers are now bloggers as well. Here’s why
you should blog if you are a freelancer.

An easier way to get yourself noticed

Blogging gives freelancers an opportunity to represent themselves on a
whole new level. Let’s face it, the idea of describing yourself in just
two lines in a profile is just ridiculous. Hence, when applying for a
freelancing job, that is when a blog comes in handy. Besides your bio
and portfolio, you can add a link to your blog. Now, you can tap into
the vast power of a blog, and show them your entire work. You can show
stuff that’s not even related to the job you’ve bid for. This creates a
really positive impression, which is why many freelancers are now
starting to blog.

Getting noticed

More credibility

Established bloggers have credibility. They have had contacts with
professional people, and they have gotten a name out for themselves, and
hence gained some recognition. They are also active on social media.
Now freelance clients always prefer giving a project to someone who
seems real enough, and whom they can contact through multiple channels
in case of an emergency.


Take a case study for example. You want some work done, and you’ve had
some bids regarding your project. There’s this guy who just has some bio
and profile filled out, and then there’s another one who has linked to
his blog and social profiles, and has testimonials or references. Which
one of them would you hire? Or more precisely, whom will be easier to
trace, should there be any emergency? See what I mean? Having a blog
means you won’t be running away, which provides some level of
security-comfort to the clients.

Bloggers are prioritized

Bloggers, and people with online presence are always prioritized. This
is because bloggers tend to have a broader perspective on thing
especially related to the internet, and they are open to ideas. Many
bloggers even have a skill-set regarding web-mastering, web designing,
working with graphics, and so on. Hence, in projects that require
multiple skill-sets, bloggers are preferred as their skills can easily
be judged from the blogs they manage.

Something new to learn

Above all, blogging isn’t just about writing. It’s a lot more than that.
Freelancers or people who don’t have a clue about web-design can start
blogging. But along the way, they get to learn new things, and new
technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. And these are
valuable skills to have, and expands the variety of jobs they can bid

Enlighten yourself - Learn something new

Take a graphic designer for example, who earns his living through
freelancing. He might not know about web-development. But once he starts
blogging, he will start learning new things. Knowledge is something
that stays with you throughout your life. And using these newly-learned
skills, a freelancer can pick up the relevant jobs as well, in addition
to the jobs matching his previous skill-sets.

Additional sources of income

And then comes the money. We have discussed about making money from a blog
countless times. Blogging can prove to be a substantial source of
income if done for some time with hard work and dedication. A freelancer
does not know whether he will find work next month or not. But to a
blogger who has an established blog, this isn’t a concern. Income from
blogs is more dependable, which is why blogging looks to freelancers
like a regular office job, but only one which can be done at home.

Additional income source

When it comes to blogging vs freelancing,
both offer real opportunities. But why not take advantage of both if
you can? Looking at the opportunities bloggers have, it’s no wonder more
and more freelancers are coming over to this practice. If you are a
freelancers, then it definitely would be a good idea to at least try it
out. Who knows, it could be the break you’ve looking for :D. All the
best 🙂

  1. […] Why Every Freelancer Today Wants To Be A Blogger? […]

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  4. Asim says:

    Aslam o alaikum my name is my name is Asim and i am a new blogger .and i m facing very difficulties in Seo and my blog is not Ranking on google .And my Question is that can i run two blog on blogger at a same time please tell me

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